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Chris Venn

Chris Venn

Magnus Parker9 Mar 2021 - 18:41
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Funeral Arrangements

Chris played and coached at Reigate RFC for a period of time. For those that knew him and want to attend the funeral details are below.

Chris’ funeral will take place on 12th March at 3pm UK time. You can join the live stream from this link: . Could you also take some time to add your thoughts and memories to the online Book Of Remembrance.

We would also like to raise funds for Movember which is a charity Chris supported that supports men’s health issues such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer and men’s suicide. Any £1 you can give will be very appreciated.

There is also a heartfelt farewell on this link : An excerpt is below, but please do click on the link as the family are asking for stories and pictures for Ruby.

Chris loved his rugby–playing, coaching, watching, and especially teaching Ruby. They often went to the pub together to watch games and he coached her on Sunday mornings. They had sooooo much fun together. I hope that his legacy lives on through Ruby. In rugby and in work, Chris was adored and respected and admired immensely. Everyone that played with him, was coached by him, worked with or for him always expressed that they are better people for having known Chris Venn. He was dedicated and disciplined and hyper-focused on doing the best–not to be the best, but to leave people, places, and things better than he found them.

Further reading